I Heard Leadbelly Sing

Huddie Leadbetter is sometimes credited for using the word “woke” to mean “awake to prejudice and unfairness”.

It’s now used by (generally) right-wing idiots as a lazy way of dismissing anything they don’t like. It’s come to be used pejoratively to mean “over-the-top political correctness”.

However – human survival depends on wokeness, so here’s a silly wee song about it …

This is what Tom Paxton calls a “short shelf-life song” – hopefully. He’s written some about (eg) John Wayne Bobbitt and Michael Jackson (RIP). They tend to last longer than intended!

Here’s the mp3 …

and the pdf

And just the words

I’m one of the wokerati. I’m out and proud and woke. I’m one of the wokerati. That means I’m a nice wee bloke.
I’ll treat you well, I’ll treat you canny. But Trump will grab you by the elbow.
I heard Leadbelly sing and I am woke.

I’m one of the wokerati. That means I’ve a working brain. I’m one of the wokerati. That means I feel your pain. I think, I feel. I am a nice fella. Unlike that racist bitch, Suella.

I’m one of the wokerati. That means I like things fair I’m one of the wokerati. That means I bloody well care.
No misogyny or hate Unlike that arsehole, Andrew Tait.

I’m one of the wokerati. And I’m quite proud of it. I’m one of the wokerati. I’m not just a selfish git. There’s more brain cells in my garage Than in the head of Nigel Farage

I’m one of the wokerati. A thoughtful chap, that’s me. I’m one of the wokerati. I’m full of empathy.
Liz Truss tried quite hard to quell it, But she is just too thick to spell it.

I’m one of the wokerati. I’m not a laddish lad I’m one of the wokerati. I read the Grauniad,
Intelligentsia. Bloke that’s woke. And Laurence Fox just makes me boke.

I’m one of the wokerati. That means I care about you. I’m one of the wokerati. I even eat tofu.
My wokeness makes me hate the word, But Boris Johnson is a turd.

I’m one of the wokerati. I’m out and proud and woke. I’m one of the wokerati. It’s time to stop the joke.
If no-one tries to empathise, The human race declines and dies.