Christmas is a time for peace and love. We need it more than ever this year, so here’s a Christmas love song.
Here’s the mp3 file
And here is the sheet music
… a nice picture of Gill and Morag …

and finally the words …
There’s snow on hill and windowsill. The winter demons reign.
The Green Man sleeps while Jack Frost creeps across the window pane.
The fox has found his Christmas coat, the Solstice music plays.
I’ll love and hold you from the cold until the end of days.
The trees are bare, the frosty air is sighing on the fells
The children sing and churches ring their old, familiar bells.
The redbreast sings his winter song, the Solstice music plays.
I’ll keep you warm against the storm until the end of days.
The windows freeze – the winter breeze a frosty lullaby.
Beware, beware, you snow-white hare. The eagle’s in the sky.
The geese fly in from Baffin Bay, the Solstice music plays.
I’ll love and rest upon your breast until the end of days.
So light the fire, strike up the choir and let the ancient tale
Of Mary mild and tiny child sing out on hill and dale.
Let peace and love fill every heart while Solstice music plays.
You fill my soul, you make me whole until the end of days.